Why are some people more happy & successful?

Do you ever have a question, and its answer, suddenly pop into your brain? That what happened to me with the question, “Why are some people more happy & successful?”

Hey there!

Do you ever have a question, and its answer, suddenly pop into your brain? That what happened to me with the question, “Why are some people more happy & successful?”

In the video, I talk about doing what’s most important to you. I’m not talking about the never-ending to do list. I’m talking about the baby steps leading to the future that you envision. What excites you? What lights you up? Do that!

Being a member of a mastermind group is an effective (and fun!) way to transform your dreams into realities. That’s why I’m offering the…

Pilot Women’s Mastermind Group

Three to six women will meet 6 times from November-January via Zoom video.

You’re Invited…

To unlock your potential and take empowered action to reach your goals with the continued support of a mastermind group.

You could benefit from a mastermind group if:

  • You want to expand your vision of what’s possible and be held gently, yet firmly accountable in taking action.

  • You often feel isolated and alone in working toward your goals.

  • You have a desire to gather with other women who are ready to go all-in on making their dreams come true.

Does this sound like you? If you’re feeling an excited (yet slightly scared!) yes, I invite you to consider joining.

The group will be 3-5 women meeting 6 times from November to January via Zoom video.

Why Join a Mastermind Group?

Napoleon Hill wrote about the mastermind group principle as: “The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.”

At the core, a mastermind group helps all members achieve success and be better versions of themselves:

Better Humans = Better World!

I believe that desires are divine and that the dream that’s been whispering to you is yours to do. It is your positive contribution to a better world for all of us. Doing it alone is the hard way! In our mastermind group, we empower each other to transform our dreams into realities, one baby step at a time.

Send me a message and I'll send you all the details :)

In the spirit of creating lives we love!



Executive & Personal Coaching

I help powerful female leaders who are always improving (and sometimes anxious!) do what they want. Learn more.

Professional Development

I help teams who want to be more potent, and are struggling with communication, goal setting, collaboration, accountability, decision making, and participation. Learn more. 

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What do you think of when you hear the term “mastermind group?” When I started a mastermind group more than a year ago, I thought it would be a great way to support each other in reaching our goals. Now I know that’s only a part of the story.

Hey there!

What do you think of when you hear the term “mastermind group?” When I started a mastermind group more than a year ago, I thought it would be a great way to support each other in reaching our goals. Now I know that’s only a part of the story.

Do you want to be part of an empowering women’s group?

I’m forming a one-time pilot Women’s Mastermind Group based on the Patagonia Quest Coaching Package. The focus will be moving from “I wish I could.” to “Yes! I did it!”

Are you ready to go all-in to make your ideas, dreams, and goals a reality? Do you feel isolated and yearn for a group of diverse yet like-spirited women to cheer you on and call you on your excuses? Are you ready to be you, find (and use!) your voice, and radiate your brilliance? If the thought of this gives you tingles of excitement, send me a message and I’ll share the details with you.

In the spirit of creating lives we love!


Deep gratitude & high-fives to my beautiful fellow masterminders…Katie, Svet, Allison, and Liz!

Deep gratitude & high-fives to my beautiful fellow masterminders…Katie, Svet, Allison, and Liz!


Executive & Personal Coaching

I help powerful female leaders who are always improving (and sometimes anxious!) do what they want. Learn more.

Professional Development

I help teams who want to be more potent, and are struggling with communication, goal setting, collaboration, accountability, decision making, and participation. Learn more. 

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Learn about our motorcycle trip from Oregon to the southern tip of South America.

I LOVE being part of the Oasis community to help me get my scary sh*t done.

I LOVE Brene Brown's work about "daring greatly" and more.

I LOVE the Insight Timer app because it makes meditation easy.