Team Development
Improve results and build camaraderie.
As a leader, you want to:
Get past your team’s obstacles (seen and unseen, internal and external).
Commit to and take challenging new steps to break through the barriers that are holding the team back.
Focus on accomplishing what matters most.
Create an enjoyable work environment, even fun.
Have staff that get along with each other, and appreciate their diversity, strengths, and differences.
Build a motivated, happy team that continues evolving.
You’ve come to the right place!
In our work, we combine data by using assessment tools along with interactions and experiences to tap into emotions, make meaning of the data, connect people more deeply to themselves and help them get to know (and appreciate!) their similarities and differences with co-workers.
Are you committed to improving workplace performance and morale but sometimes find it hard to get meaningful buy-in from your team?
What if…your team understood how to (and how not to!) communicate with each other?
What if…your team could see the often hidden motivation behind each others’ actions?
What if…your team appreciated what each other contributed to the team and organization?
What if…your team knew their similarities and differences and used that knowledge to enjoy working together more effectively?
What if…your team was more Emotionally Intelligent so they could share challenging feelings before they turned into conflict.
What do you envision for your team?
If you want support and thoughtful strategies to reach bigger, juicier, more meaningful goals that enliven everyone’s desires to contribute, you could benefit from customized leadership and team development.
What you can expect from our work together:
Becoming the kind of leader that you want to be.
Building strong leadership in your organization so that there will be minimal disruption when change happens.
Retaining and growing future leaders for the organization.
Seeing your team thrive in spite of challenges because of the time you spent building strong communication habits.
Creating systems for attaining measurable and practical results.
Continuing to grow a toolset and mindset that helps people achieve their personal and professional goals.
Innovative problem solving to maximize efficiency, improve relationships, and shift from less chaos to more flow.
Your team CAN work together better, be more productive, and stay focused on reaching meaningful goals. And I’m here to help.

Since developing your team starts with being an authentic leader, Executive Coaching can support your growth.
Close the gaps so you can fire on all cylinders.
Learn what smart leaders are doing to close the gap between a team that is out of synch to one that is firing on all cylinders. Together, we’ll design a strategy to meet your goals.
Development areas might include:
Improve communication, productivity, and leadership skills
Increase self-leadership, self-awareness, and self-care
Identify congruent values, vision, and goals to achieve meaningful results
Hire the right person for each job
Prepare leaders to level-up
Build better relationships and understand the root cause of conflict
Appreciate each other’s similarities and differences
Reasons for Team Development
You want to bring your team together for development but wear many hats so it’s tough to dedicate time to thinking through the process and doing something about it. You think you can do it yourself but deep down you know you don’t have the expertise. That’s where I come in.
Even if it’s just a couple of employees that don't get along, it can influence the entire team. You have a good team but know it could be better if everyone could communicate better. You don’t know where to start. You don’t know what to do. That’s where I come in.
Your cup (of energy) is too empty. You have too many real priorities listed above team development and yet, you know that taking the time to do just that will make everything run smoother. That’s where I come in.
You don’t know what to do about something related to people skills. You might be a more data-oriented person and now need to lead a team. You need people skills such as EQ, which means you need access to proven tools that will help you improve your Emotional Intelligence. That’s where I come in.
You need to develop your own relationship building skills so you can better help your team. You want to help your team grow/develop for better retention. You want them to enjoy working together, to be more easefully productive. You want to make your job as their leader easier and more fulfilling, to bring everyone up a level. That’s where I come in.
What happens if you don’t address these things:
Loss of the good employees (retention).
Burnout of yourself or staff.
A lousy environment to work in (culture).
An empty pipeline for future leaders.
Wasting time on putting out little fires (issues) rather than focusing on the larger vision.
Team Development learning and exercises will make everyone feel a sense of accomplishment, and provide them with new tools, techniques, strategies, and a shared language to make working together efficient, purposeful, and enjoyable.