Revive to Thrive

Are you feeling the urge to revive your spirt so you can thrive in the coming year? I sure am.

Hey there!

Are you feeling the urge to revive your spirt so you can thrive in the coming year? I sure am.

It’s full-on wintertime, snuggle in time, reflection, celebration, and envisioning time. Remember, I’m here for you if you want a Coach to walk with you toward those big, juicy dreams in 2019. Send me an email or schedule a complimentary Curious About Coaching Session.

In appreciation of the year-end swirl of activity, I’m signing-off until the new year.

Before I leave, I want to share five inspiring images I just found while reorganizing files on my laptop. They contributed to my digital Vision Board in 2017. I still love them! I hope one or more of them speak to the desires in your heart.

In the spirit of creating lives we love!


2019 Creation Sessions

What are you doing to wrap up 2018 and hit the ground running in 2019?

I’ve been in my own deep-dive process of reviewing 2018, and designing a system for setting and tracking meaningful goals for 2019. I feel focused on what I want to create and excited to do it!

I’d love to be your partner in:

  • Reviewing your accomplishments from 2018

  • Designing a 2019 goal setting and tracking system that works for you

  • Tapping into the primal power of your values

  • Building a support system to inspire and nurture you

Reach out to me and we’ll customize a program for you.

Always Offering

Executive & Personal Coaching

I help powerful female leaders who are always improving (and sometimes anxious!) do what they want. Learn more.

Team Development

I help teams who want to be more potent, and are struggling to authentically communicate with each other so they can get the right work done. Learn more. 

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With my monthly blog posts, I dig into topics related to leading ourselves so we can get what matters most done.

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Places & Products I Love

Learn about our motorcycle trip from Oregon to the southern tip of South America.

I LOVE being part of the Oasis community to help me get my scary sh*t done.

I LOVE Brene Brown's work about "daring greatly" and more.

I LOVE the Insight Timer app because it makes meditation easy.