Self Care Shine

Why oh why do we think it’s selfish to take superb care of ourselves? I don’t think that…anymore.

Why oh why do we think it’s selfish to take superb care of ourselves? I don’t think that…anymore.

This is one of the many inner changes that came from traveling on a motorcycle for 23 months. (More on that here if you haven’t heard the story.)

I make way less money now than I’ve made in decades and yet, I spend more on self care than I ever have. Crazy, right?

As we prepared to return from our travels in South America last year, I remember thinking to myself, “I wonder what would happen if I committed to taking awesome care of myself for a year?” I daydreamed of joining a yoga studio, getting back into running, getting regular massages, eating well, and not overloading my plate with “to dos.” It hasn’t turned out exactly as I had envisioned, but it looks pretty close and the results, almost a year later, have been shocking. Here are a few:

  • On the inside, it feels like I’m on my own side.

  • I trust myself more often to do what I say I'm going to do for myself.

  • I do my best to tend my energy rather than spend it until it’s over spent.

  • None of that familiar whine, “I’m soooo tired.”

  • I feel good in my body, stand taller, thrill in nudging myself further in yoga.

Now I think of self care as the special sauce for success!

I’m not preaching; I’m learning right along with you. Of course I’m not perfect at this, that’s not the aim. I’m with myself for the rest of my life so it just makes good sense to take care of myself. Why oh why is that such a whacky concept for us to get our heads around? Now it’s your turn…

What do you do for basic self-care?

Now kick it up a notch. What does superb self-care look like for you?

I double-dare you to try it for 3 months, 6 months, or a year!

In the spirit of knowing ourselves,


I help individuals make the jump from wishing to doing, and professional teams transform from awkward tension to potent interaction.

Here are 2 offerings for you. Give yourself the precious gift of time to learn more about who you are now and what's most important to you.

Women's Symposium located in Lincoln City, OR on June 23rd.

Befriend your Creative Self located at the Sitka Center for Art and Ecology near Lincoln City, OR on August 12th.

Explore all the details and, as always, you're welcome to contact me with your questions.

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Cultivating Proprioception

"What?!" That's what I thought when I first heard the word "proprioception" in yoga recently. Then, I learned what it meant and now, it has been weaving throughout my awareness in surprising ways. Curious?

Proprioception means asking yourself, "Where is my body in space?

"What?!" That's what I thought when I first heard the word "proprioception" in yoga recently. Then, I learned what it meant and now, it has been weaving throughout my awareness in surprising ways. Curious?

It means sensing the position of your body parts. It sounds simple, and yet how often have you been unconscious of your body's position when bending over to clean house or garden (and strained your back) or typing on the computer (and ended up with knots in your shoulder muscles)? Being aware of the position of our body parts helps us take better care of our remarkable human bodies. 

The meaning expanded further as I noticed sensations inside my body and connected them with situations on the outside, such as communication. For example, I've felt a knot in my diaphragm (just above my stomach and below my ribs) when I'm feeling intimidated/small/not enough in a professional networking situation.

As a result of noticing the physical sensation, I have learned that it's a signal for me to internally press pause. I can choose to take a deep breath, center myself, and communicate authentically from my true self rather than from a wonky emotional state.

Next time you're in an uncomfortable situation, pay attention to your body's sensations. Get curious about the connection between your physical feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Then choose your action.

This is one of the many methods I use in helping my coaching clients reconnect with themselves to reach their goals. It's all connected! Right? Our bodies have wisdom to share with our minds.

What sensation do you feel in your body right now?

Where is it? How does it feel? What might it be trying to tell you?

This proprioception thing takes practice! However, when it works, it's pretty cool to deepen the connection between the physical, intellectual, and emotions parts of ourselves.

In the spirit of knowing ourselves,


P.S. Thank you to Gabe at Harmony Yoga Studio for opening my mind and body to this concept!

I help individuals make the jump from wishing to doing, and professional teams transform from awkward tension to potent interaction.

Assessments reveal the “how” and “why” behind your actions and emotional intelligence, indicating your ability to manage your emotions and their effects on others. We will work together to build skills in the areas you choose. The super-special sauce drizzled over our entire adventure is purposeful, heartfelt coaching.

Why am I doing this work I love? After completing an epic motorcycle trip from Oregon to the southern tip of South America, I am determined to support people in their leap across the border from, “I wish I could.” to “Yes! I did it!”

Executive & Personal Coaching • Professional Development • Personal Workshops

LinkedIn • Facebook • Twitter • (541) 272-2337

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Places & Products I Love

Learn about our motorcycle trip from Oregon to the southern tip of South America.

I LOVE being part of the Oasis community to help me get my scary sh*t done.

I LOVE Brene Brown's work about "daring greatly" and more.

I LOVE the Insight Timer app because it makes meditation easy.