Jalene Case Jalene Case

Define what you want, desire & wish for 🌈


Filling your cup intellectually, physically, emotionally, and spiritually is important in your personal and professional life. When your cup is full, you have more to give those around you, leaving a bigger impact on them and/or your work together.

Previously, I shared a worksheet with you to help guide you in this process (grab it if you missed it!).

Whether you are just starting the process of ensuring your cup is full or if you’re now successfully filling your cup, it’s time to use the energy you’re generating to be more courageous in visualizing what you want.

The end of the year is the perfect time to begin envisioning what you want in the new year.

Start by wondering, What do I want?

That question sounds simple on the surface and yet, it’s power-packed because the answers will sculpt your life, define your goals, and bring you a sense of fulfillment. This is big!

The word want gets used in so many ways so I want to make sure we’re on the same page for how I’m using it here.

Want means to feel a need or a desire for; to wish for a particular thing or plan of action; to want to start or stop being involved in something, to want strongly or for a specific reason.

How does it feel to read that? Exhilarating? Scary? Daunting?

It’s common for emotions like these to come up when you step out and step up.

I use this phrase to describe stepping out of your comfort zone and stepping up into who you want to be and what you want to do. To me, that feels scary AND exciting!

Next ask yourself..

What do I want in the next 30 days?

Write 1-3 descriptions for your 30-day wants.

For example, I want: to feel energized, to see my office organized, to connect with clients.

Tip: Don’t get caught up in the hows, only the wants for now.

Next, ask yourself…

What do I want in 90 days, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years.

Write 1-3 descriptions of wants for each of the time periods.

If you get stumped, stick with it. The first time I tried to write what I wanted in 10 years, I felt uncertain and frustrated. The more I did it, the more clear I got about it.

You can take it a step further and ask the same questions of your team. Gaining this clarity together can make you all more focused and motivated.

Here’s to leading yourself first!

P.S. If you’d like support in this area, let’s talk. Schedule a 30-minute Zoom chat, and we’ll start with what you want.

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Dreaming ROI

I’m great at doing, doing, doing. I love to make a list, with little empty boxes next to each item. Then, with immense pleasure, check-off each item with an energetic flourish of a checkmark. I get to say to myself, “Done!” However, I’m learning that while this may be admirable, it’s not the best approach to getting what matters most to me done. This is how the insight came to me.

I’m great at doing, doing, doing. I love to make a list, with little empty boxes next to each item. Then, with immense pleasure, check-off each item with an energetic flourish of a checkmark. I get to say to myself, “Done!” However, I’m learning that while this may be admirable, it’s not the best approach to getting what matters most to me done. This is how the insight came to me.

Initially, my coach invited me to write using this prompt, “What is the value of dreaming?” What I’ve learned as a result has blown my mind. I believe that the ROI (Return on Investment) for dreaming is off the charts!

The first time I gave myself a luscious hour to dream, I just couldn’t do it. I was shocked. How could dreaming be so hard to do? I wanted to throw in the towel. But I just couldn’t quit. I thought, “Wait. What if I just loosened up and had some fun with this?”

It happened to be late on a Friday afternoon. “Why not go for it?” I cranked up the music in my workspace, cracked open a cold beer, and looked at a blank white board. This was beginning to feel fun.

I started moving to the music, grabbing my multi-colored markers, and before I knew it, my whiteboard was filled with the makings of an idea that was originally born more than a year ago during our travels in Patagonia.

That was my first experience with intentionally setting aside time for dreaming. I’ve had more since then. Now I’m convinced that giving ourselves time for dreaming is equally as important as time for planning. They feed each other. One can’t truly grow without the other.

When our mind (planner extraordinaire!) and heart (big dream central!) work in tandem, our visions and desires for the future become reality.

Will you give yourself time to dream?

When? For how long?

I'd love to hear about your dreaming time!

In the spirit of knowing ourselves,


P.S. The Women's Symposium I'm presenting at this weekend is the perfect place for you to give yourself some valuable time for dreaming big. Scroll down for details.

Join me this Weekend in Lincoln City, Oregon for the 2018 Women's Symposium!

Learn more about the

speakers and presentations.

I hope to see you there! :)

Let's connect! LinkedIn • Facebook • Twitter • JaleneCase.com • (541) 272-2337

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With my monthly blog posts, I dig into topics related to leading ourselves so we can get what matters most done.

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Places & Products I Love

Learn about our motorcycle trip from Oregon to the southern tip of South America.

I LOVE being part of the Oasis community to help me get my scary sh*t done.

I LOVE Brene Brown's work about "daring greatly" and more.

I LOVE the Insight Timer app because it makes meditation easy.