DISC Jalene Case DISC Jalene Case

The Magic of DISC

In the DISC section, turn to this page: Communication Tips

These are tips for communicating better by adapting your behavioral style to more closely align with the other person’s behavioral style. This page assumes that you don’t know the other person’s DISC style so it’s guiding you in guessing their general style so you can connect better with them.

Here’s one way to use this page:

  • As you read each box,  write the names of people who come to mind in each box. 

  • How can you plan in advance and perhaps even rehearse how you want to communicate?

  • By learning more about their style, you can adapt to it. The green check bullets on this page give communication do’s and the red “x” bullets give the don’ts. Experiment to find what works best.

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DISC Jalene Case DISC Jalene Case

How do you like to be communicated with?

In the DISC section, turn to this page: Ways to Communicate

Think of this as a road map to communicating with you. To be a better communicator, start by understanding the way you like to be communicated with, then understand how another person likes to be communicated with, then (the most complex step!) adapt to meet the other person’s needs.

In the DISC section, turn to this page: Ways to Communicate 

Think of this as a road map to communicating with you. To be a better communicator, start by understanding the way you like to be communicated with, then understand how another person likes to be communicated with, then (the most complex step!) adapt to meet the other person’s needs. Being more nuanced will lead to better communication; that’s what we’re going to do next.

Choose 3-4 phrases on this page that you would love to share with people who communicate with you most. Next, ask yourself these questions about the phrases you chose.

  • What does it look like to me?

  • What’s an example of when someone is doing this well? 

  • How might you request for someone to use this communication style with you? What would you say?

  • Who would you like to make this request from?

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DISC Jalene Case DISC Jalene Case

What value do you bring to your organization?

In the DISC section, turn to this page: Value to the Organization

Think of this as the value you bring everywhere you go e.g. your job, groups you belong to, family, etc. No doubt that others appreciate you bring this value!

In the DISC section, turn to this page: Value to the Organization

Think of this as the value you bring everywhere you go e.g. your job, groups you belong to, family, etc. No doubt that others appreciate you bring this value!

First, choose one phrase on this page that’s most meaningful to you.

Then, with that phrase in mind, ask yourself these questions:

  1. What does this mean to me?

  2. Where have I shown up like this in the past? What did it look like?

  3. How might I lean into this even more so I can do it better.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if everyone stepped up and brought their unique value to the group or team?!

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