Your DISC Graph in Words
In the DISC section, turn to the page titled: Descriptors
This page is the theory of behavior in application. These words represent your Natural Graph, your natural/go-to tendencies.
Do you agree with words highlighted? If you don’t feel the words describe you all the time, consider them “situational.”
Are there any words not highlighted that should be? Go ahead and highlight them.
Pick a word from each category to describe yourself.
Which words are you most proud of and why?
You can also use these descriptors to identify bias and shift yourself from tolerance to appreciation.
Choose a word that’s frustrating or irksome to you, a word that’s on the opposite side of where most of your descriptors are highlighted.
What irritates you about that descriptor?
What can you appreciate about a person who has the qualities associated with that descriptor?
What’s Missing Matters
In the DISC section, turn to the page titled: Absence of a Behavioral Factor
By understanding your low behavioral style, you can identify situations and circumstances within your environment to avoid, minimizing behavioral stress.
The first set of bullet points are related to your environment and the second set to relationships.
How do the top three bullet statements align with your current work environment?
If some or all of them are not in alignment, how might you minimize or mitigate the situation?
How are the bottom three bullet statements showing up in relationships at work or at home?
How can you increase your awareness in these situations? What’s important to you about this?