What drives you as a leader?

Learn what motivates you — WHY you do what you do.

Learn about each Driving Force.

Begin by reading about the drivers in your Primary Driving Forces Cluster.

12 Driving Forces in Depth: Utility which includes Selfless and Resourceful

12 Driving Forces in Depth: Knowledge which includes Instinctive and Intellectual

12 Driving Forces in Depth: Surroundings which includes Harmonious and Objective

12 Driving Forces in Depth: Others which includes Intentional and Altruistic

12 Driving Forces in Depth: Power which includes Commanding and Collaborative

12 Driving Forces in Depth: Methodologies which includes Receptive and Structured

This is an all-in-one PDF that gives the basics about each Driving Force.

Dive deeper with these resources.

Driving Forces e-Book

Selfless vs. Altruistic in the 12 Driving Forces - These two terms can be confusing. Understanding the difference is important, especially if one of them is among your Primary Driving Forces.

Check back for updates and reach out to me if you have any questions.