Jalene Case Jalene Case

Are you filling your cup BEFORE it’s empty? 🤔

A couple weeks ago, I shared the idea of Love Notes to Self as a way of tapping into your motivation mojo. (Read it here if you missed it.)

If you already answered the prompts I provided, did you get a chance to write a few loving notes to yourself? 

Love notes are a great spark. And, they also help you keep filling your cup so you have plenty to give yourself and others. 

I learned a new twist on this concept of “filling your cup” from a student in a leadership program I facilitated. He said:

At the beginning of the day, you have a full cup of empathy or energy. If you pour it all out on one person, you don’t have any more to give that day.

Another way to think of filling your cup is this:

You can’t pour from an empty cup. 

We know that – right? And yet…we all do it…we forget to fill our own cup and end up exhausted and overwhelmed.

If you’ve been struggling with an empty cup, here’s an approach you can try – be intentional about how you like to energize yourself intellectually, physically, emotionally, and spiritually

To help you get started, I’ve created a worksheet for you to identify what fills your cup in each of these 4 areas.

Grab it here, it’s my gift to you.

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Jalene Case Jalene Case

Tap into your motivation mojo!💥

You likely hear the words “leadership development” often, but do you hear much about “self-leadership?”

Probably not, which is too bad, because it’s a game-changer.


Because when you lead yourself better, you can lead others better.

My question for you is this: How do you motivate yourself? 

By capturing how you like to be motivated, you give yourself a personal, go-to resource to tap into when you really need it. 

If you need some help finding your motivation mojo, here are a few questions to get you started. 

  • What do you wish someone else would tell you when you’re having a tough day at work? (I call these Love Notes to Self!)

  • What do you tend to say or do for a colleague when you can see them feeling low?

  • Right now in your life, what’s inspiring you? Perhaps a quote you heard recently or a reminder of your larger vision.

  • What might you do to shift your energy from lethargic & stuck to energized & flowing?

Capture your answers to these questions. Start small. A few go-to phrases can do wonders.

Then, put your answers somewhere you can easily find them when you need them. Think: oxygen mask on the airplane.

Here’s to finding your mojo!

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I LOVE the Insight Timer app because it makes meditation easy.